Algumas peculiaridades do Leaf

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Algumas peculiaridades do Leaf

Mensagem por ruimegas » 09 abr 2011, 18:30

Algumas peculiaridades do Leaf.

Algumas coisas triviais, estranhas ou de outro tipo do Nissan Leaf que normalmente não são referidas:

"The four passenger doors are non magnetic.

I found this out when I tried to put those magnetic signs on the doors to advertise this site. The bonnet, boot hatch and the rest of the body is magnetic though.

Strange but true."

"I put the car on charge last night. I got an email telling me it had stopped charging at 2.30 and again at 4am."

"Sorry for all the oddities but as others were busy testing range and driving capabilities I have been messing with the more geeky IT system built into the car.

Well as you may know I was having some issues earlier activating Carwings from inside my car and one of the things I tried in order to resolve the issue was to remove the SD-card that the Navigation maps are stored on. (It's located under a small hatch behind the TFT touchscreen which can be viewed when you tilt the screen to access the CD insertion area)

The effect this had was that the centre console IT system stops working and all you get on the screen is a message saying "No SD card found" The rest of the dash and other displays are fine it's just the stuff that would appear on the console touchscreen that is affected.

I found this strange because I thought that it would only disable the Navigation but no, it shuts down more than that. This indicates that the Navigation system is tightly linked to Carwings.

Again it's just a quirk because you would not, under normal circumstances, remove this card so it wouldn't be something that causes any problems. I thought it was worth mentioning just for everyone's info."

"Not the car's fault but mine, this morning I got out of the car in a hurry and tried to lock the doors with the remote but it wasn't having any of it.

I checked that all the doors were shut properly and tried again. No go!

I decided to look inside the car and realised that I had not pressed the off switch..

With it being so quiet you don't realise it's still on and if you forget the parking ritual you may get thrown like I did.

1) Press 'P' to Park
2) Pull up electronic parking brake
3) Press the on/off button

Another thing is you can get used to the proximity sensors that allow keyless access. I was walking up to the front door at home and was wondering why it wouldn't open without a key like the LEAF does. Probably didn't have enough coffee today. "

"My carwings stopped working and I got a "No Service" message in the car.

Solution was to disconnect the 12V battery for 10 secs and replace. This rebooted the system and alll was then well.

If you do this then you will probably lose some carwings data and will have to re-set it up in the car."

"While using the voice recognition to make a phone call, placing the car in reverse causes the hands free to shut off.
The second sd slot can't be used for MP3 playback and appears to only be for map updating.
A very neat thing is even when the GPS isn't used for a route, a pleasant female voice still always reminds you of a speed camera in 200 yds.
The whole mileage estimate thing is completely quirky; I can start with 90 miles estimated, then drive 10 miles and end up with 90 miles still estimated. After recharge the initial mileage can be anything from about 88 miles to 103 miles and seems to be a prediction based on the previous days driving habits.
Switching off the electronic sound is what I call stealth mode; you can drive behind a pedestrian in a car park and they don't even realise there is a car behind them; how sad am I!
A question - is there any indication of the 12v battery charging via the solar panels?"

Em: ... eaf-Quirks
NISSAN LEAF Branco c/Spoiler mk1 de 09JUN2011. 195.000 kms.
TESLA Model 3 AWD. Encomenda 03JUL2019. Entrega 09JUL2019. 72078 kms.
Associado da Associação de Utilizadores Veículos Eléctricos

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Registado: 04 jan 2011, 23:39
Data de fabrico: 09 jun 2011
Capacidade bateria: 59 Ah 12 barras
Localização: Oeiras

Re: Algumas peculiaridades do Leaf

Mensagem por ruimegas » 09 abr 2011, 18:56

"I've been hesitant to post this as I thought it was just my imagination, but I've proved it to myself so many times now, it must be real.

I have a heavy foot and I do not drive conservatively. If you do, then you would probably never run into this.

In normal drive mode from a stop, if you aggressively get on the throttle, then partially back off a couple seconds later, many times the car keeps pulling with excessive power output compared to the throttle position. When I feel this extra power, my test has been to note how far down I have the pedal by letting completely off (usually it's very little). Then I go to that same throttle position, and the power ("butt dyno" as well as the bubble meter) is significantly less. There is definitely something wacky. I might have to log some CAN data to capture it.

It only seems to happen when you aggressively get on the throttle from a stop or very slow roll.

I have never experienced this in Eco mode.

Anyone else?"

NISSAN LEAF Branco c/Spoiler mk1 de 09JUN2011. 195.000 kms.
TESLA Model 3 AWD. Encomenda 03JUL2019. Entrega 09JUL2019. 72078 kms.
Associado da Associação de Utilizadores Veículos Eléctricos

Proprietário Leaf
Mensagens: 188
Registado: 06 jan 2011, 00:27
Data de fabrico: 01 jan 2011
Capacidade bateria: 65,5 Ah
Localização: Leiria

Re: Algumas peculiaridades do Leaf

Mensagem por CarlosOliveira » 10 abr 2011, 10:48

Tenho uma Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 1.6 CMP e acontece algo parecido. Se tiver uma condução mais desportiva/agressiva, a forma como a caixa de velocidade trabalha (a rotação a que engrena as velocidades, por exemplo) altera-se significativamente, assim com a resposta do motor. Por outro lado, se andar mais calmamente, também o motor e a caixa têm uma resposta mais suave


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