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Musking — Elon Musk Is Now A Cultural Meme

Enviado: 12 jan 2015, 17:09
por ruimegas
Musking — Elon Musk Is Now A Cultural Meme

[img]http://cleantechnica.com/files/2015/01/ ... 70x324.jpg[/img]

"Musking? What the hell is that, right? Well, it actually makes a lot of sense — it’s simply blocking in gas-powered cars that have parked in electric vehicle charging stations.

This is a predictable reaction to the relatively common practice of ICEing — which is, to say, the practice and art of parking your gas-guzzler in EV charging s and pretending to not know better.

The alternate definition is quite a nice one as well though — think that I might actually end up using that one.

Of course, Musking probably isn’t the best solution most of the time — owing to the fact that your car is likely to get smashed. A potentially useful alternate approach that we’ve discussed here before is to leave a polite (or not so polite) note explaining the situation.

Of course, that’ll only work so long as the ICEer (ICEr?) did so innocently — if there was intention behind taking the spot, despite not driving an EV, then clearly that approach won’t work either.

So, what will work, you ask? Fines, of course. Big ones. As always, smacking somebody till money comes out of their pockets is probably the only way to effect a true change in behavior."

Em: http://cleantechnica.com/2015/01/11/mus ... ural-meme/

Re: Musking — Elon Musk Is Now A Cultural Meme

Enviado: 13 jan 2015, 02:07
por Filipe
YÉH let´s go Leafing. :mrgreen:

Re: Musking — Elon Musk Is Now A Cultural Meme

Enviado: 06 mar 2015, 11:15
por lmmr74
A solução é sempre chamar a policia para que os infractores sejam devidamente punidos, só assim se mudam as mentalidades.